Introducing Your Puppy to Your Child
Successful Guidelines to Introducing the New Puppy to your Child
Successful Guidelines to Introducing the New Puppy to your Child
Puppy Biting can be solved! Clear strategies on stopping your Land Shark.
Toddlers Are Fascinated By Dogs But They Need Your Guidance to Understand How to Interact Safely and Gently
There Are Many Reasons a Dog Bite Can Occur. The Warning Signs Are There, You Just Have to Notice.
When You Have Lectured and Scolded Your Child and Nothing Seems to Work, Try a Behavior Modification Plan!
There Are Many Reasons to Help Your Child Overcome Their Fear of Dogs. Learn the Most Common Approaches to Avoid and Where To Go For Help
With the shelter-in-place ordinance, families are spending a lot more time together. When it comes to your child and the family, dog take some time to discuss safety tips.
With the help of local businesses and the local animal shelter, all Petaluma kindergartners will receive Stop, Look & Paws sets in 2020. This dog safety campaign continues to grow and bring awareness and Humane Education to prevent dog bites!
Stop, Look & Paws Voted Best Parent Product and Resource for Elementary Age Children
Try these easy nose work games! Dogs love to play games just like kids. As someone who instructs adults how to play scent games, or nose work games, with their dogs, I wanted to offer you some fun games that children could play.