Red Light, Green Light Game for Dogs and Kids!
The variation on the Red Light, Green Light game is a great way to teach a child how to control their dog’s behavior to prevent jumping and nipping.
The variation on the Red Light, Green Light game is a great way to teach a child how to control their dog’s behavior to prevent jumping and nipping.
If you have ever wanted to learn how to walk your dogs while you ride your bike, this post will give you all the inside information to do it safely while having fun!
How to train your dog to fetch is as fun to teach as it is to play – especially for kids!
Try these easy nose work games! Dogs love to play games just like kids. As someone who instructs adults how to play scent games, or nose work games, with their dogs, I wanted to offer you some fun games that children could play.
Playing Hide and Seek with your dog and child is fun for all. Initially, you will need to guide and participate, but after a couple of times playing, your child may be able to do this without your help.
I recently heard a very surprising story from a friend after a trip to a local dog park. Read to learn facts that you may not already know about your dog park before you consider taking your child along with your dog.
Wouldn’t it be great to have the kids walk the family dog?!! There are two things to be aware of before you hand over the leash.
For a quiet activity with the dog have your child read their favorite book!