Dog Bite Warning Signs
There Are Many Reasons a Dog Bite Can Occur. The Warning Signs Are There, You Just Have to Notice.
There Are Many Reasons a Dog Bite Can Occur. The Warning Signs Are There, You Just Have to Notice.
When You Have Lectured and Scolded Your Child and Nothing Seems to Work, Try a Behavior Modification Plan!
With the shelter-in-place ordinance, families are spending a lot more time together. When it comes to your child and the family, dog take some time to discuss safety tips.
Our children bring out the protectiveness in all of us. In the case of having the family dog act as protector of our children, although it may sound appealing, allowing the dog to take on this role or “job” can easily backfire.
I recently heard a very surprising story from a friend after a trip to a local dog park. Read to learn facts that you may not already know about your dog park before you consider taking your child along with your dog.
Wouldn’t it be great to have the kids walk the family dog?!! There are two things to be aware of before you hand over the leash.
I offer free dog body language presentations to lower elementary school classrooms in my town of Petaluma.
For a quiet activity with the dog have your child read their favorite book!
Help your child to learn the body language of a dog that tells your child it is safe to interact and the dog is happy too!
Dogs like predictable and reliable actions and behaviors to make them feel safe and secure in their world. Read the 3 reasons dogs perceive children differently than they perceive adults to better understand your dog.