How to Create a Good and Safe Relationship Between Your Dog and Your Toddler
Toddlers Are Fascinated By Dogs But They Need Your Guidance to Understand How to Interact Safely and Gently
Toddlers Are Fascinated By Dogs But They Need Your Guidance to Understand How to Interact Safely and Gently
When You Have Lectured and Scolded Your Child and Nothing Seems to Work, Try a Behavior Modification Plan!
With the shelter-in-place ordinance, families are spending a lot more time together. When it comes to your child and the family, dog take some time to discuss safety tips.
Dogs Have Been Proven to Teach Children Empathy, Promote Responsibility and Even Improve Cognitive Skills. When Children Aren’t Properly Educated About Dog Safety, They Can Be Victim to Bites
Playing Hide and Seek with your dog and child is fun for all. Initially, you will need to guide and participate, but after a couple of times playing, your child may be able to do this without your help.
Our children bring out the protectiveness in all of us. In the case of having the family dog act as protector of our children, although it may sound appealing, allowing the dog to take on this role or “job” can easily backfire.
My goal was to provide a free copy of Stop, Look & Paws child/dog safety activity to each student in Kindergarten.
Millions of People are Bitten By Dogs Every Year • According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Humane Society, there are approximately 4.7 million dog bites every year in the U.S., and it’s believed this estimate is low. • Dog Bites occur roughly every 75 seconds in the United States (CDC). •
I recently heard a very surprising story from a friend after a trip to a local dog park. Read to learn facts that you may not already know about your dog park before you consider taking your child along with your dog.
Once you have successfully introduced your baby and your dog, now if is time to start to build a bond between the two. There are simple things that you can do everyday to create a beautiful relationship.